25 Jun Fleas
Fleas … Let’s be honest, everyone hates fleas!
They are a household’s worst nightmare, and itch like hell if you are bitten by them. They can drive you, your colleagues, your loved ones to the point of despair, but if you live or work in London – Fear Not – The solution is a simple phone call away. MICROBEE Environmental have the solution to your unwanted flea (and itch problem). We are experts in getting rid of fleas. We have worked with thousands of companies and individuals to bring them peace of mind.
If you are within the greater London area Call us now on: 020 8540 9968 , or use the contact form and we’ll give you a free quote.
And if you want to know more information about these blood sucking parasites that sees you as a delicatessen read on …
The MicroBee Fact File about Fleas
Fleas live exclusively as parasites of warm-blooded animals. Although each species has a preferred animal to live on, they are not very choosy, and will feed on other animals in the absence of their normal host. However, they can usually only breed on their true host. Their bites can be extremely painful, and human flea infestations still carry a deep-rooted social stigma.
What Must You Do Before We Visit?
- A thorough vacuuming of the entire house is required (dispose of hoover bags immediately after)
- A thorough cleaning of floors following the vacuuming should then be carried out.
- Treatment of any pets with a flea product is required.
- Any infested pet bedding should be disposed of immediatelyIf one of the above steps is not carried out then this could compromise the effectiveness of our treatment.
What Will Happen During The Visit
A thorough insecticidal spray of all floor areas will be carried out. To make sure that all infested areas are sprayed we ask that the premises are tidy, with no items on the floor. Heavy furniture should be pulled away from walls to allow us to treat as much floor space as possible
Please remain out of the treated areas for at least 2 hours following the spray while the insecticide dries.
Residual Insecticides
Infested areas are sprayed with an insecticide solution that dries onto the surface. The insecticides we use are not hazardous to people or pets once they have dried.
These insecticides remain active for two weeks following the spray. Please refrain from mopping/vacuuming treated surfaces in this time, as it will reduce the efficacy of the treatment.
Did You Know?
- Cat fleas are the most common species encountered, although there are many other types (dog, rat, pigeon)
- Not all members of a household may react to the bites, or reactions can be delayed.
- The whole life cycle can take as little as one month from egg to breeding adult.
- Bites are small raised red bumps, often in clusters on the lower legs.
Help Prevent Re-Infestation
- Fleas can remain dormant for up to a year without feeding; therefore it is imperative that following treatment of pet and/or home, a thorough, frequent cleaning routine is implemented.
- Flea treatment products should be applied to any outdoors pets on a frequent basis.
Flea Fact Sheet
- Appearance: 2-3mm, reddish brown
- Feeding: Adult fleas feed on host; larvae feed on adult blood excreta and dust.
- Habit: Adults spend some time off the host, resting in the animals bedding.
- Features: Adult fleas can jump up to 130mm
Featured Image Credit: Doc. RNDr. Josef Reischig | CC BY-SA 3.0