03 Nov An amazing discovery
Every now and then you come across some amazing discoveries whilst at work. This is certainly no different for the bird team at Microbee.
During the nesting season, the team are often called to work on bird control projects within the city and surrounding areas. This can be anything from bird proofing installation, to egg and nest removal programmes.
Whilst the team are dedicated to providing first class control of pest species, they are also keen wildlife enthusiasts and have a vested interest in birds and their behaviours. It is this passion, that makes them a cut above the rest.
Whilst working on an egg replacement programme for gulls last season, the team came across a remarkable discovery up high on a roof top. To their surprise, whilst monitoring the area, they stumbled on a mother duck and her ducklings. The duck had built her nest and hatched her chicks up above the city and now they were preparing for the big world below.
Despite working with birds on a regular basis, the team watched the duck with nothing but pure admiration, as they knew soon she would be leading these young ducklings off the rooftop and to their future. A huge jump for any animal, let alone a fragile duckling!
This was a reminder for our team of the resourcefulness and adaptability of animals in urban environments. Something we are out to tackle and something we learn from every day.